Long Time No Write


Yes, it has been a very long time since I’ve updated this blog.  If some of you have read some of the historical posts, you will have read about hubby’s crash.  It was a pretty serious accident – but then most motorcycle/car head ons at 70kph are.

Fast forward and things have been progressing quite well.  Hubby has made great leaps and strides to getting back to ‘normal’.  After much hmming and hahing, he even bought himself a new ride for the upcoming 2018 ride season.  Yup.  I was a tad worried that he wasn’t going to be able to throw a leg over and get back in the saddle.  silly me!  Obviously, that was not the case.

So come the ride season for 2018 – we are back on the road.

Thanks for those of you out in internet land that kept tabs on me and dropped a line when I was ‘out in shadowland’ these past few months.

As Golum said “Soon my precious! Soooon!”

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